Consult Oncologists Online

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Dr.Vinay Kumar Garodia

Dr.Vinay Kumar Garodia

DNB National Board of Examinations
FRCS Royal college of Surgeons of Edinburgh

20+ years of experienceSpeaks Hindi, English

₹ 2000 per consultation
Dr.Anushree N S

Dr.Anushree N S

MBBS Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
MS Ophthalmology Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

7+ years of experienceSpeaks English,Kannada, Hindi - Fluent ; Konkani, Tulu, Marathi

₹ 700 per consultation

Welcome to Docgenie's Ophthalmology Services in Delhi!

At Docgenie, we understand the importance of clear vision and eye health in your overall well-being. Our team of experienced ophthalmologists in Delhi is committed to providing top-notch telemedicine services for all your eye care needs.

Comprehensive Eye Examinations : Our ophthalmologists are skilled in conducting thorough eye examinations to assess your visual acuity, evaluate your eye health, and screen for common eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Through our telemedicine platform, you can conveniently schedule an appointment with our ophthalmologists from the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need for travel and long waiting times.

Expert Diagnosis, Treatment, and Surgery for Clear Vision and Eye Health

Expert Diagnosis and Treatment : Our ophthalmologists use state-of-the-art technology and their extensive clinical expertise to accurately diagnose and treat various eye conditions. Whether you're experiencing blurry vision, redness, itching, or any other eye discomfort, our ophthalmologists will provide personalised care and treatment options tailored to your needs.

Cataract Surgery : If you have been diagnosed with cataracts, our ophthalmologists can guide you through the surgical process, including preoperative evaluation, surgical planning, and post-operative care. We offer advanced cataract surgery techniques such as phacoemulsification and premium intraocular lens (IOL) implantation to help you achieve clear vision and improved quality of life.

Glaucoma Management : Our ophthalmologists are experienced in managing glaucoma, a leading cause of irreversible vision loss. Through our telemedicine platform, our ophthalmologists can monitor your intraocular pressure, assess your optic nerve health, and prescribe appropriate medications to control glaucoma progression and preserve your vision.

Retinal Evaluation and Treatment : Our ophthalmologists are skilled in evaluating and treating retinal conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal detachments. We use advanced imaging techniques to assess the health of your retina and provide personalised treatment plans to manage these conditions and prevent vision loss.

Pediatric Eye Care : Docgenie's ophthalmologists also specialise in paediatric eye care, including comprehensive eye examinations, diagnosis, and management of eye conditions in children. Our child-friendly telemedicine platform ensures that your child receives the best possible care for their developing eyes, right from the comfort of your home.

At Docgenie, we are committed to providing high-quality ophthalmology services through our telemedicine platform in Delhi. Trust us for expert diagnosis, personalised treatment plans, and convenient access to specialised eye care. Schedule an appointment with our experienced ophthalmologists today and take the first step towards maintaining optimal eye health!

Frequently Asked Questions

You can easily schedule an appointment with our ophthalmologists through our telemedicine platform. Simply visit our website or mobile app, select the ophthalmology service, choose a convenient date and time, and follow the prompts to book an appointment.

Our experienced ophthalmologists in Delhi are skilled in diagnosing and treating a wide range of eye conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, retinal detachments, and more.

Our telemedicine platform allows you to have a virtual consultation with our ophthalmologists from the comfort of your own home. You can discuss your symptoms, medical history, and undergo a comprehensive eye examination through video conferencing. Our ophthalmologists can provide expert diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and even prescribe medications when needed.

While cataract surgery is typically performed in-person, our ophthalmologists can provide pre-operative evaluation, surgical planning, and post-operative care through telemedicine. If you require cataract surgery, our team will guide you through the process and ensure that you receive appropriate care before and after the surgery.

Yes, our ophthalmologists are experienced in providing paediatric eye care. We offer comprehensive eye examinations, diagnosis, and management of eye conditions in children through our telemedicine platform, ensuring that your child receives specialised care for their developing eyes.

Yes, telemedicine can be an effective way to receive eye care services, including diagnosis, treatment, and post-operative care. Our ophthalmologists use advanced technology and their clinical expertise to provide accurate assessments and recommendations through virtual consultations. However, in some cases, in-person examinations or procedures may be necessary, and our ophthalmologists will guide you accordingly.

Yes, we take the privacy and security of your personal and medical information seriously. Our telemedicine platform is designed to comply with relevant data protection regulations, and we use encryption and other security measures to protect your information. Your information is only accessible to authorised personnel for the purpose of providing quality eye care services.

If you have any other questions or concerns about Docgenie's ophthalmology services in Delhi, feel free to contact us or schedule a telemedicine appointment with our expert ophthalmologists.